Thursday 15 December 2011

3.2 Describe examples of how ideas for multi-platform content have been used to reach new audiences and generate revenue.

The ways Ideas Multi-platform content have been used to reach new audiences is prevalent with companies such as apple releasing their i-Cloud, a piece of software that syncs your data and saves purchases across all your apple products, allowing you to keep your music on your i-pod, i-phone, i-Pad and iMac, It keeps all your settings and universally updates all your devices at the same timesaving a backup onto an Apple server.
This allows you to to always have the files on your computer with you in some shape or form. How this has generated revenue is through the validating of purchasing Digital downloads such as games and music, photos and movies (as well as important documents if you are...boring..) as now they are not restricted to keeping their purchases on one device  encouraging users to purchase more as they suddenly become a lot more accessible and and having the time consuming task of updating your I-Calender on 5 pieces of equipment.

3.3 Describe examples of commissioning processes and funding opportunities in relation to converging technology.

Below is a video of something incredibly awesome,It is a video of the company Android who had commisioned the  It not only is a public event attended by hundreds of people giving them joy and wonders though the use of this technological showcase, on the outside its wonderful, a lovely company doing a toatally random act for people to gawp at and talk about.

But from the companies perspective it is a carefully strategised and marketed ploy to create opportunities to market thier product through this amazing act and the word of mouth buzz that would follow it.

Now watch the video and be amazed...

I told you it was impressive....

This is an example of a company seeing the advantage of staging an event in this case using the mastery of 3d mapping team "Facade Mapping" they have created a funded event that will in turn help the returns when thier product is evnetually released (The LG Optimus, or a swanky Android smart phone to you and me).
The comminishing of said marketing event with a view that, using the converging medias of social media and networking to get people to attend (while also helping spread word of mouth after the event) as well as the video "trending" on websites such as youtube and twitter.

This as well as funding/commishioning smaller events like hired out to event management companies who are charged with handling the event carefully chosen at Canary Wharf, they work on things such as  hiring people to work/advertise the phone, security and such, . As well as this they would have also had to hire the crew nescessary for filming the peoples reactions, thus creating another way to gague the publics reaction to thier product as well as to advertise online again via the social networking / word of mouth phenomenom with a mind to create a frenzy for the the device on its launch.

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