Tuesday 21 June 2011


Saddest celebrity death in a while for me, this man played a big part in my adolescent years, I had practically grown up with him,  and in a tiny way he made me the man I am today (sad? LIKE I CARE!)

Ryan Dunn - Part of the Jackass family.

So lets take a moment and remember the memories.

Ryan Dunn -11/06/1977 to  20/06/2011
R.I.P (Rock in Peace)

Friday 3 June 2011

Also Adsense sucks.

If anyone was wondering why I no longer bang on about the greatness of Adsense or why my blog is no longer filled with adverts of cheap free games to play this is due to having my monetise features on my blog disbabled due to "potential malicious clicking".....That's right. MALICIOUS.

Even Picard is PISSED!
So BOO to Adsense for not being able to distinguish people helping out a blogger to gain acclaim and an influx due to a new blog with the word sent out amongst their peers and YAY to free content, art prevailing and all that other stuff.....My wallet hurts...

Negotiation...Mutual sharing...for a price.

Negotiation makes the world go round. We as a species have been haggling,bartering and bargaining since the dawn of civilisation. Whether it was food, trade goods like wood, or something as simple as agreeing to stop bashing each other over the head for five minutes we became masters of negotiation and strode forwards as a race. Where would we be if we had selfishly hoarded all that we found? I presume not far out of the stone age (which wouldn't fair well for this blog now would it?) 

The masters of negotiation.
 As I was assigned the task of learning the in's and out of negotiation, I have been paying attention to the dealings at my workplace and that of one of the tutors of my course as he bravely took on all-comers to secure what he needed for his latest production, I penned what I hope to be a somewhat decent description of negotiation. (This isn't out of a dictionary it's out of my brain!) 

Please see Below.

Negotiation:  The art of two or more people discussing terms of mutual benefit using relevant materials be them physical or linguistically reached verbal agreements to reach an understanding or "Deal".


As proof to how far back negotiation goes we have uncovered evidence of it being used all the way back in biblical times, See the video below.