Wednesday 20 July 2011

5 Websites I frequent

Here for you lovely people is a list of 5 media websites I use ENJOY!!

Doug Walker - AKA The Nostalgia Critic
Thatguywiththeglasses is a website run by Doug Walker creator of the Nostalgia critic and 5 second movies. It started out as a place for Doug to upload his comedic reviews of old nostalgic kids films but quickly turned into a website that has earned Doug entrepreneur of the year as well as taking on a host of other Internet reviewers and in a way carved out its own niche in the market. Users can now create their own blogs on TGWTG as well as comment and discuss other users and contributors to the site. This is a source for reviews from anything from the old kids films you have nearly forgotten about to the latest in the games markets to old comics no one in their right mind (except the reviewer) would date to touch. There are also yearly feature lengths involving most of the popular reviewers and frequent collaborations between the groups top players on the site.

With Doug having paved the way for reviews of lesser known Films/Games along came the Spoony one with his slightly more aggressive and irritable review style he leapt his way into my heart as the king of snark. He differs ever so slightly in that he often favours doing Vlogs to keep fans up to date on his thoughts of all the latest and lamest that the film and game industries throw our way. He is a avid board game player and Dungeons and Dragons fanatic and these are more reasons I find myself on his site. The community of the spoony experiment is a close knit group and the forums are a good place for discussion of the lesser known games and films that perhaps would not be welcome on other film discussion forums.  Look up Reb Brown movies and Clones of Bruce lee and you will get a flavour of this Internet reviewers eclectic movie taste.

The Spoony one

The Blistered thumbs logo!
As I am on a bit of a theme here with review sites lets go for blistered thumbs, another graduate of the TGWTG team Joe Vargas aka Angry Joe created blistered thumbs in an attempt to have a more user generated game review website, and using their wide array of personalities including Angry Joe from Tgwtg as well as some others from Game Hero's they created a place where the focus is more on user interaction/contribution rather then just select people telling you what they think. Games are rated by users rather then the reviewers (they give their own review scores but its more about the people). Here you can find all sorts of reviews, retrospects and looks to future releases from the gaming world all the while contributing to the bustling group of followers that blistered thumbs has garnered in a short amount of time.

"Hmm whats that's guys name from Jurrassic park.....Click...oh."

IMDB has revolutionised the film buff's arsenal this website is the go to place for any film question you could possibly think of it is an all encompassing list of almost every film ever made. It is run by user contribution as well as professionals being able to set up profiles of actors and producers being able to put their companies up their. It is one of my top visited websites and has helped me widen my film choices by looking at some of the user generated lists of what they would recommend to watch. other features IMDB offers is the latest trailers for upcoming films. Trivia and a host of other information just waiting for you right now...seriously go ahead I will wait right here...

And finally...

Kind of the polar opposite to blistered thumbs this is what they would like you to believe as the official gaming website. This is where most people go to when they look for gaming reviews release dates and confirmation of rumours. IGN are always in every press conference and get wind of most of the upcoming releases and have some of the more well known game journalists. Widely respected in the gaming journalism world IGN's reputation as one of the biggest and the best companies is common place. They also provide cheats and walkthroughs, (sometimes these can be user generated) as well as FAQ's for users to browse though. Their main attraction tends to be their HD streaming of new games and Insider exclusive info  of development or news that many other gaming websites cannot boast. Definitely a big player in the Gaming industry...

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